Thursday, April 15, 2021

Importance of Global Engagement

This week has been busy with emphasis on global engagement. At the beginning of the week I participated in the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education conference. So much great content and research was shared. In one of the breakouts a conversation around the benefits of Farmer to Farmer exchanges was discussed. It was noted that there were great benefits to both the visiting and hosting farmers. 

Today a group of students from Denmark, the Netherlands, and the United States voluntarily gathered either early morning (in the USA) or late in their school day (in Denmark and the Netherlands). they discussed cultural and agricultural topics. This morning I also engaged in discussion with a United States Congresswoman regarding the importance of the United States leadership globally and the international affairs budget.

There is often debate around one countries presence on the global stage and why are we/they (or are we/they not) engaging with others internationally? Why should what is happening abroad bother us? We encourage you to reflect and engage in conversation with others utilizing the discussion points below. 

Discussion Points
  • Do you believe it is important for your home country to engage with other nations globally? Why or why not? What is there to be gained? What is there to lose?
  • In reflecting on the farmer to farmer exchanges and student virtual exchanges mentioned above in relation to agriculture, what are the benefits? Why would a farmer travel across the world to connect with another farmer? Why would college students climb out of bed for a 7:00 AM meeting?
  • Do you believe it is important to financially support and/or invest in other countries? What does this look like in regards to agriculture, but also other areas such as health, conflict, etc.?
  • When worldwide challenges face us do you believe it is more important to close off or reach out? Explain your thoughts. 

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