Thursday, December 14, 2017

Now is the Time: Agriculture and Our World

We only have one world. An astronaut shares his experiences from space and how his unique perspective has made him look at our world and agriculture differently. We encourage you to watch the short video linked below from the FAO and utilize the discussion points to guide conversations in your classrooms, coffee shops, and communities around the world!

We Only Have One Earth 

Discussion Points

  • Of the points shared throughout this video which surprised you the most and why?
  • What are your general thoughts after watching this video? Do you agree with all points? Some points? None at all? Justify and explain your responses. Provide support for your views.
  • The video mentions that forests, soils, and oceans can be huge "carbon sinks." What does this mean? If you need to do additional research go for it!
  • At one point in the video their is a call for action. "Now is the time to take action." What can you do to make a positive impact today where you are at in your life?

Friday, December 8, 2017

European Scientists Call for Change

A recent report put out by scientists in Europe is calling for analysis and change in our agriculture systems. I have linked an article below that shares some of their findings and calls for action. We encourage you to read over the linked article and utilize the discussion points below to guide your conversations in your clasrrooms and communities around the globe!

Call for Urgent Action on Food Security

Discussion Points

  • Why do these scientists see a need for change in our agriculture systems? How do they justify these needed changes?
  • Under the heading "Food consumption will need to change to improve consumer health:" there are several points shared for change. Of these which do you feel has the greatest potential for change and impact? Explain your response.
  • Under this same heading which do you feel has the least potential for change and why?
  • There are many scientific advancements and technologies that can attribute to a change in our agriculture systems mentioned in this article. Which practice/technology stuck out to you as the most promising?Justify your response.
  • Overall what was your take-a-ways from this article? Do you agree? Disagree? Why?