Thursday, December 16, 2021

Food Supply at Risk?

Our agrifood systems are being challenged daily by a variety of factors. Linked below is a story that provides the opportunity to explore agrifood systems and the challenges that they face. We encourage you to explore the linked story below, from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, and strike up conversations with others around the globe. 

Is our food supply at risk?

Discussion Points

  • What surprised you most from exploring this story and why?
  • There are many factors that can stress our agrifood systems (i.e. pandemic, climate, conflict, logistics, etc.). Which factor/s do you believe provide/s the greatest threats to our agrifood systems and why?
  • An emphasis of "diversity" was described to protect our agrifood systems. Do you see this diversity (as described) in the agrifood systems where you live? Is there potential room for greater diversity?
  • Towards the end of the story there is a section on, what can be done to improve and protect agrifood systems. Of these ideas shared which do you feel is the best tactic for your home area? Does this look different in other areas of the world? Explain your reasonings.

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Solar + Agriculture = Agrivoltaics

Agrivoltaics brings solar energy and agriculture together and is gaining popularity in Europe and other locations around the globe, including Colorado in the United States. Linked below is a video that shares the story of agrivoltaics in Longmont, Colorado. We encourage you to watch the video and utilize the discussion points below to guide your conversations with others around the globe!

Agrivoltaics: Solar Farm to Table

Discussion Points

  • What surprised you the most from the video and why?
  • What do you believe are the greatest benefits of agrivoltaics? What potential challenges are there regarding the use of agrivoltaics?
  • Do you believe that agrivoltaics are a practice that could be adapted in your home area? Why or why not?
  • How else might renewable energy sources and agriculture work together?

Thursday, November 18, 2021

GMOs Global Impact

The debate on GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) has been debated for years globally. CAST recently shared video and text titled "Gains Foregone by Going GMO Free: Potential Impacts on Consumers, the Environment, and Agricultural Producers." Cast is an international consortium of scientific and professional societies, universities, companies, nonprofits, libraries, and individuals who assemble, interpret, and communicate credible, unbiased, science-based information for all populations. Linked below is a one-page summary of the media regarding "Gains Foregone by Going GMO Free." We encourage you to investigate the document linked and utilize the discussion points to guide conversations with others around the globe.

Gains Forgone by Going GMO Free

Discussion Points

  • How are GMOs viewed in your home region? Does this align with CAST's findings?
  • What are the global impacts of GMOs? Consider health, environment, and poverty.
  • In many Global South countries GMOs are not allowed. What are the impacts of these bans? 
  • Do you believe science has been attacked lately (at home and/or around the globe)? Explain your reasoning and if you believe this is a problem what might be done?

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

El Salvador’s Dry Corridor

Travel with us to El Salvador via the video linked below and learn about innovative practices that are empowering farmers in the region. We encourage you to utilize the discussion points below to reflect and engage in conversations with others around the globe. 

El Salvador - Dry Corridor Success

Discussion Points 

  • As you watch the video what do you notice about agriculture in the Dry Corridor of El Salvador? What are the similarities and differences regarding agriculture in your home region and in El Salvador?
  •  The FAO helped create a cooperative for a small group of farmers in the region. How might this cooperative benefit these farmers? Do farmers in your home region engage with cooperatives? Compare and contrast how cooperatives may be similar or different in your home region and El Salvador. 
  • The video mentions the implementation of education and training as a part of the success. Why are trainings and educational opportunities key to development for countries in the Global South?

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Child Labor and Agriculture

Child labor around the globe is a concerning topic. The video linked below from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations highlights the dark realities of child labor. You are encouraged to watch the video linked below and utilize the discussion points to engage with others around the globe.

To achieve Zero Hunger, we must have ZERO CHILD LABOUR

Discussion Points

  • What stuck with you from the video and why?
  • Does child labor look different in different parts of the world (specifically in agriculture)? What does it look like locally for yourself? 
  • As you discuss child labor with others someone makes the statement, "Maybe it is just part of their culture? We cannot disrespect their culture." How would you respond to this? Do you agree or disagree? How might you navigate this conversation/situation?

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Family Farms Around the Globe

The United Nations has named 2019-2028 the Decade of Family Farming. The interactive page linked below includes a video, key messages, and key facts. You are encouraged to explore the page and utilize the discussion points below to guide your conversations around the world. 

United Nations Decade of Family Farming

Discussion Points

  • After watching the video what message resonated with you and why?
  • The page shared the importance of youth to the family farm. Why is youth important to the family farm? How are youth engaged in family farming in your home region? Does this look different around the globe?
  • Scroll through and investigate the "Key Messages." Which key message do you believe is the most important and why?
  • Explore and swipe through the "Key Facts." Which key fact grabbed your attention and why? 

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

World Food Prize Twitter Exploration

It is World Food Prize week! This is a time when world leaders gather to tackle the challenges around food insecurity. The Borlaug International Dialogue has so many engaging sessions throughout the week. Many of these sessions' main points are highlighted via Twitter and can be found by following #FoodPrize21. Many topics are covered including sustainable agriculture, research and innovation, gender equity, climate change, best practices, and much more. If you are on Twitter grab your phone and search #FoodPrize21. If you are not a Twitter user you can still follow the conversation via this link as long as posts are not protected/private.

We encourage you to explore the Tweets that have the hashtag #FoodPrize21 and complete the challenges below. You may discuss your findings/thoughts with others or quote retweet and start a conversation online.

  • Find a #FoodPrize21 tweet that you agree with. Explain why this is the case for yourself.
  • Find a #FoodPrize21 tweet that you disagree with or question. Why is this the case?
  • Find a #FoodPrize21 tweet that surprises you and you would like to explore further. Why did this Tweet grab your attention?
Keep in mind that throughout this week Tweets will continue to be posted. Return often to explore further conversations!

Friday, October 15, 2021

World Food Day 2021

October 16th is World Food Day. Linked below you will find a video from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations highlighting World Food Day. We encourage you to watch the video and reflect on the questions below with others around the globe. 

Discussion Points
  • The video shares, "For each and every one of us, food tells a story." What does this statement mean to you? What is your food story?
  • From watching the video, how do food stories differ around the globe? How do cultural differences impact our food stories?
  • How does agriculture production in your local area and around the world impact your food story?
  • "Our actions are our future." What does this statement mean to you? How will your actions regarding food and agriculture make for a better future?

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Vietnam Agriculture Trade

Agriculture trade is important for the success of so many. This week we take a look at the country of Vietnam and agriculture trade. We challenge you to utilize the discussion points below and explore with others how Vietnam agriculture trade may or may not relate to your life. 

Vietnam: A Feed Importing Powerhouse

Discussion Points

  • What has been the trend with feed imports and meat production in Vietnam? How does this look in comparison to your home country?
  • What global challenges and/or successes have had an impact on Vietnam agriculture trade? How have these same challenges and/or successes impacted your home country or region?
  • What other world events could impact agriculture trade that were not mentioned in the report?
  • This report discusses the different regions in which aquaculture, pigs, or birds are produced in Vietnam. What factors influence production by regions? Do you see the same type of regional patterns with agricultural production in your home country?

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Lao PDR Rice and Fish Production

Rice and fish may or may not be common agricultural commodities produced in your home region. Whether rice and fish production are common in your area or not there is a great chance that we all can reflect and learn from farmers in Lao PDR (Lao People's Democratic Republic). We encourage you to explore the linked story below and utilize the discussion points to guide your conversations around the globe. 

Tapping into aquatic resources to lift rice production

Discussion Points

  • The following quote was shared in the article. "In the past we used to farm in harmony with the environment. But now we have more pests, and we do not know how to cope with them." Do you agree with this statement? Would you respond differently in different parts of the world? What about your home region?
  • The linked story mentions that diversification in agricultural production is good for the environment and helps reduce poverty. Why is this the case in Lao PDR? Do you think agriculture in your region could benefit from an increase in diversification? Explain your reasoning.
  • The story shares how farmers benefited from sharing information. Do you see those in agriculture in your home area sharing data the way farmers have in Lao PDR? 
  • What are your final thoughts regarding this global agriculture story? What are your main take-a-ways?

Thursday, September 16, 2021

CRISPR Access to Fight Hunger

Science and technology advancements are often expensive and therefore can be unavailable to those who need it most. A university in the Netherlands is breaking the mold and offering access to CRISPR-Cas technology to non-profits in the fight against food insecurity. The linked release includes text and a couple videos regarding the announcement and an explanation of CRISPR-Cas. We encouraged you to explore the linked news release below and utilize the discussion points to engage with others around the globe. 

WUR gives away CRISPR intellectual property licenses 

Discussion Points

  • What is CRISPR-Cas technology?
  • How does CRISPR-Cas technology have the potential to fight hunger around the world?
  • Why is the concept of granting complimentary licenses of CRISPR-Cas technology such a ground-breaking concept? Do you think this is a good thing or not?
  • Should other universities and companies follow this example with CRISPR-Cas and other scientific technologies? Why or why not? Do you see this as common practice in the future? Do you think different countries around the world have different outlooks?

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Bangladesh Farmers Go Digital

Smart phones loaded with different apps have become a norm for many around the globe. This week we travel to Bangladesh to learn about the Digital Bangladesh initiative and how it is creating a digital transformation through the use of apps and other technology. We encourage you to watch the short video linked below and utilize the discussion points to guide your conversations around the world.

Digital Village in Bangladesh

Discussion Points (We encourage you to watch the video twice. Once focusing on the text and the other focusing on the video footage.)

  • What did you find interesting about this video/content and why?
  • When you focused on the video footage versus the text what did you notice about agriculture in Bangladesh? How is it similar or different than agriculture in your home region? What unique challenges might Bangladesh face that you do not and vice versa?
  • The video highlighted the use of apps by farmers in Bangladesh. Do farmers in your region utilize apps in their work? How do you think the use of apps are similar and/or different in Bangladesh and your home region?
  • Do farmers in your home region receive similar help/training with apps and technology? Compare and contrast the assistance/training. 

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Afghanistan Agriculture Challenges

Afghanistan has been at the top of newsfeeds as of late with the withdrawal of United States military forces. We have heard about a lot of things happening in and around Afghanistan, but agriculture is one area that has not been focused on heavily with most media sources. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations shares the challenges facing around 7 million farmers in Afghanistan in the story linked below. We encourage you to read the linked article and utilize the discussion points provided to guide your conversations with others around the globe.

Discussion Points
  • How is the drought impacting crop farmers in Afghanistan?
  • How is the drought impacting livestock farmers in Afghanistan? 
  • How might the recent withdrawal of United States military forces from Afghanistan impact farmers in Afghanistan and the challenges they are facing?
  • You have just been put in charge of providing assistance to farmers in Afghanistan. What type of assistance will you provide? How will it be delivered? What are considerations you will have to take account for?

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Egypt Potato Production

Potato production is on the rise in Egypt thanks to a program with Pepsico and USAID. The linked video below provides the story of this project along with the impact that it has had. We invite you to watch the linked video (3.5 minutes) and utilize the discussion points below to guide your conversations around the globe with others.

The Potato Expert

Discussion Points

  • Faiza shares, "I advise that education is everything and better than any other thing." How was this the case in this situation? How does this comment apply to your life? How do you define education and what does it look like around the globe?
  • What did you notice about agriculture from the video? How is it different and similar to agriculture in your home region?
  • What was your big take away from this video? What did you learn that could improve something in your life locally and/or globally?  

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Global Agriculture Data

Data can be a very powerful tool in decision making and management decisions. Some may think that data management concerns are concerns for individuals in the Global North, but this is something that impacts all including those in the Global South. The attached blog highlights the need and concerns for data management and sharing in agriculture at a global level. We invite you to read the linked and utilize the discussion points below to engage with others.

Could a Data Sharing Protocol be Agriculture's Missing Link?

Discussion Points

  • One is one thing that you learned or surprised you from the blog?
  • Why/how could data sharing potentially have a positive impact on agriculture around the globe? How does this look differently/similarly in different parts of the world? 
  • What are the concerns with sharing data in agriculture locally and globally? Are people in your local area open to sharing data?
  • What are your suggestions for best practices in sharing agriculture data globally? Explain your reasoning. 

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Conservation Agriculture in Mozambique

Farmers in Mozambique are implementing conservation agriculture practices and finding great success. A video linked below from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations highlights a project that is increasing conservation agriculture projects. We encourage you to watch the linked video and utilize the discussion points to engage with others around the globe!

Scaling up conservation agriculture in Mozambique

Discussion Points

  • What surprised you most from the video and why?
  • Describe the three principles of conservation agriculture shared in the video?
    • Are these principles that are just useful in Mozambique or are they principles that could be useful in your home region as well? Explain your reasoning/thoughts.
  • Are there other best practices shared from the video that could be implemented in other parts of the world? If so, what practices and where? Could you adapt some best practices shared to have even a greater impact?

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Importance of Global Engagement

This week has been busy with emphasis on global engagement. At the beginning of the week I participated in the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education conference. So much great content and research was shared. In one of the breakouts a conversation around the benefits of Farmer to Farmer exchanges was discussed. It was noted that there were great benefits to both the visiting and hosting farmers. 

Today a group of students from Denmark, the Netherlands, and the United States voluntarily gathered either early morning (in the USA) or late in their school day (in Denmark and the Netherlands). they discussed cultural and agricultural topics. This morning I also engaged in discussion with a United States Congresswoman regarding the importance of the United States leadership globally and the international affairs budget.

There is often debate around one countries presence on the global stage and why are we/they (or are we/they not) engaging with others internationally? Why should what is happening abroad bother us? We encourage you to reflect and engage in conversation with others utilizing the discussion points below. 

Discussion Points
  • Do you believe it is important for your home country to engage with other nations globally? Why or why not? What is there to be gained? What is there to lose?
  • In reflecting on the farmer to farmer exchanges and student virtual exchanges mentioned above in relation to agriculture, what are the benefits? Why would a farmer travel across the world to connect with another farmer? Why would college students climb out of bed for a 7:00 AM meeting?
  • Do you believe it is important to financially support and/or invest in other countries? What does this look like in regards to agriculture, but also other areas such as health, conflict, etc.?
  • When worldwide challenges face us do you believe it is more important to close off or reach out? Explain your thoughts. 

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Djibouti School Gardens

With projects we implement around the globe we often include youth. The video below highlights a project implementing school gardens and hydroponics in rural Djibouti in East Africa to empower youth. You are invited to watch and reflect on the discussion points below with others from around the globe. 

School gardens and hydroponics 

Discussion Points

  • Of the innovative practices shared in this video which do you feel has the greatest potential positive impact and why?
  • Do you believe it is important to focus on agricultural education for youth? Explain your reasoning.
  • What could you learn from this project in Djibouti that could be implemented in your home region?

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Acute Hunger on the Rise

Many will agree that the last year has provided great challenges for many. Challenges around hunger have been magnified in some parts of the world. Recently a report from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the World Food Programme was released highlighting the challenges facing our world regarding "hunger hotspots." We invite you to read the linked article and utilize the discussion points below to encourage conversations with others.

Discussion Points
  • What from this article stuck with you or surprised you? Why?
  • There were several key drivers of acute food insecurity that were shared. Which do you feel provides the greatest threat to food security and why?
  • Of the threat you identified what are potential solutions? How do we create change?
  • There seemed to be great focus on immediate aid which is needed. How do we work towards more sustainable change and improvement over a long period of time? 

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Alex's Story: Kenyan Farmer

Linked below is a story of a young Kenyan farmer named Alex. He showcases challenges and successes that he has experienced. We encourage you to watch the linked video (about 1 minute) and utilize the discussion points below to guide conversations with others around the globe.

Overcoming any challenge 

Discussion Points

  • How has Alex taken his past work and incorporated those experiences with his current work?
  • What is your take-away from this video and why?
  • How is technology in agriculture used differently around the world? What does it look like in your home region compared to Kenya where Alex is?
  • Alex had the tools and knowledge from his past work to incorporate into his current farming work. How do we empower others that may not have had past work experiences as Alex did? How might we achieve this?

Thursday, March 18, 2021

A Conversation with Hunger

We often envision hunger as a problem that exists in far off countries and unknown lands, but the reality is that hunger is everywhere. A couple weeks back we highlighted a poetry contest around hunger as a part of #GLAG21.  Recently Roger Thurow authored a piece highlighting a poem by AaronR the Poet inspired by Hiram Larew's Poetry X Hunger. You are encouraged to read the linked post and watch the video included. Following we invite you to utilize the discussion points to guide your conversations with others around the globe.

Talking Back to Hunger

Discussion Points

  • What resonated with you from the blog entry or video and why?
  • What does hunger look like in your home area? What does it look like in other parts of the world? Compare and contrast the two visions you have.
  • "Having food to eat shouldn't be a privilege, but a basic life necessity." What does this line from the poem mean to you?
  • How can we combat hunger both locally and globally in a sustainable manner? Share your thoughts and reflect on others. 
We challenge you to take action!

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Agriculture Fashion

People do not always associate agriculture with the fashion industry, but the reality is they are closely linked. Most textiles and clothing are derived from agriculture. When visiting other countries often the textile and clothing curriculum and training is a part of agricultural education. Linked below is a video (4 minutes) that explains how women in the country of Kyrgyzstan are thriving due to a unique partnership. We encourage you to watch the linked video and explore the discussion points with others around the globe. 

Kyrgyz mountain women collaborate with fashion designer Stella Jean

Discussion Points

  • What stuck out to you from the imagery in the video regarding agriculture? What challenges would the countries terrain present? What benefits could it present? 
  • Do you believe this project structure provided a win for all groups and individuals involved? Explain your thoughts.
  • This video showcased a creative approach to turn a supply chain into a value chain. Where else could this be applied within agriculture locally and globally?

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Global Agricultural Commodity Markets

This week we take a look back at 2020 on the state of agricultural commodity markets around the globe. Global agriculture markets provide complex challenges and opportunities that are explored in the linked article below. We encourage you to explore the linked webpage and utilize the discussion points below to guide conversations with others around the world.

Agricultural Commodity Markets 2020

Discussion Points

  • The webpage starts off with, "We live in an interconnected world." Explain what this means in regards to agriculture and what it means to you personally. 
  • Several graphs and charts are used throughout the webpage. Which one do you find most intriguing and why?
  • Many challenges are shared. Create a list of these challenges and determine which one you would address as a top priority. Justify your response. 
  • What ideas do you have to turn these challenges into opportunities? How might you take action locally to have a global impact?

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Water and Agriculture

Water is vital to life and agriculture, but can be taken for granted by many. This week we explore the need to reduce water use in food production. The linked article takes us to Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan to share challenges and innovative techniques in water management. We encourage you to explore the article, videos, and links within the article. We have provided discussion points below to guide engagement in conversations with others around the globe.

Why our food needs to use less water

Discussion Points

  • What was your biggest take away from exploring the article and why?
  • What does water usage look like in your local area? Around your home country, Around the World? How is water usage for agriculture similar and different when comparing?
  • Several innovative techniques were shared regarding water conservation and improvement. What are other possible techniques that could be implemented? Get creative!
  • What is your reaction to this quote from the article? 
    • “When we look at productivity, most of the time we look at land productivity, how much yield can be produced per hectare of land,” Chakrabarty says. “But maybe we need to look at how much yield can be produced by how many units of water.”
  • What can you do personally to have a positive impact on water usage locally and/or globally?

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Agriculture and Carbon

 At times some blame agriculture for climate issues, but the reality is that agriculture can be a driving solution regarding climate challenges. One of those many ways is through carbon sequestration. The linked article takes a look at carbon markets and agriculture. We encourage you to read the linked article and utilize the discussion points to guide your conversations with others around the globe.

Clarity on Carbon's Potential

Discussion Points

  • What did you find most interesting regarding the article and why?
  • Several carbon market programs were shared. Which do you feel is the best program and why?
  • This article primarily focused on the carbon programs in the United States. Execute an internet search. How are other countries looking at and approaching carbon markets relating to agriculture? Does it look different in different parts of the world?
  • Carbon sequestration is one method farmers around the world improve the environment. Globally what are other ways that farmers are improving/protecting the environment?

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Poetry and Global Agriculture

This week is #GLAG21 (Global Learning in Agriculture Conference)! This is a spectacular week that engages with individuals from all 50 U.S. states and 35+ different nations. This event is filled with great content and programs. An addition this year was incorporating the arts into the conference with a poetry contest through GLAGCreates. The video linked below is the winning poem from Tyler Cook recited by poets from around the globe. We encourage you to watch the linked video and utilize the discussion points to guide your conversations with others throughout the world.

One Poem, One Community

Discussion Points

  • What is your initial reaction to the poem? 
  • What line was the most impactful for you and why?
  • How can the arts and sciences further team up to tackle challenges in agriculture?
  • You are challenged to create a poem around hunger or agriculture and share with others!

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Fish in the Desert

You would not expect to find fish in the desert, but that is exactly the case in the United Arab Emirates. Innovation has led to aquaculture with great potential for growth. The article linked below highlights this project. We encourage you to read the article and utilize the discussion points to guide your conversations with others around the globe.

Fishing for change in the Emirati desert

Discussion Points

  • What from the article was intriguing to you and why?
  • What about the project has you asking further questions? What are your questions? Discus with a peer.
  • There is great potential to increase production for this project. What do you feel is the best way to expand production? Explain your plan and reasoning.
  • Fish production in the desert is an innovative and contrarian approach. What are other innovative ideas that might be possible around the globe in agriculture?

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Agriculture Challenges and Opportunities in Zimbabwe

Travel with us to Zimbabwe via the video linked below from the FAO. We meet Shupa who shares agriculture in Zimbabwe with us along with the challenges and opportunities that farmers face in his region. We encourage you to utilize the discussion points below to connect and discuss with others around the globe.

Zimbabwe: Shupa's Story

Discussion Points

  • What stuck out to you from the video and why?
  • What are the challenges facing farmers in Zimbabwe? What might be done to turn these challenges into opportunities? Get Creative!
  • Watch the video a second time. This time just focus on the images and video footage (first time we often focus on the text and the spoken words). What did you notice this time that you did not before? Discuss your findings with others.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Foot and Mouth Outbreak in Namibia

Namibia is experiencing an uptick in foot-and-mouth disease in cattle. This is a concern locally, but also has implications around the globe. We welcome you to read the linked article and utilize the discussion points below to guide your conversations with others around the world.

Namibia Reports Foot-and-Mouth Disease Outbreak

Discussion Points

  • What is the impact locally to Namibia with this outbreak?
  • How could this outbreak impact other countries including your home country and region?
  • Imagine you are tasked with leading a team to control this outbreak. What policies and/or procedures would you put in place to combat the disease and spread?

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Fishing and Transshipment

Fishing around the globe is a giant business with challenging logistics. The linked video below explores the benefits and challenges of transshipment in the fishing industry. We encourage you to watch the video and utilize the discussion points below to guide your conversations around the globe!

Regulating, Controlling, and Monitoring Transshipment

Discussion Points

  • What is transshipment?
  • Identify the benefits and challenges of transshipment in the fishing industry.
  • What could the impacts to global food security be if individuals or groups take advantage of transshipment in improper ways?
  • Imagine you have been tasked with battling the challenges of misuse and abuse of transshipment with fishing. What solutions would you suggest and who might be responsible for monitoring and regulating?
  • Do you believe there are things we can learn from transshipment logistics that could be applied to other areas of agriculture or other fields? Explain. 

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Tractors and Twitter

Farmers in India have been protesting since late 2020 and have even turned to social media platforms to tell their story. We encourage you to read the linked article and reflect and engage with others utilizing the discussion points below. 

India's Protesting Farmers Battle on Highway/Online

Discussion Points

  • Why have farmers taken to the highways to protest in India? Have farmers in your home area/country done something similar throughout history? 
  • What has caused farmers to turn to social media as part of their efforts in India? 
  • The challenge of misinformation is mentioned in this article. How do we battle misinformation in agriculture? How does this look different around the world?
  • Imagine you have been brought in to mediate between the government and farmers in India to resolve this standoff. What would you recommend? How might you bring both sides together?