Thursday, March 25, 2021

Alex's Story: Kenyan Farmer

Linked below is a story of a young Kenyan farmer named Alex. He showcases challenges and successes that he has experienced. We encourage you to watch the linked video (about 1 minute) and utilize the discussion points below to guide conversations with others around the globe.

Overcoming any challenge 

Discussion Points

  • How has Alex taken his past work and incorporated those experiences with his current work?
  • What is your take-away from this video and why?
  • How is technology in agriculture used differently around the world? What does it look like in your home region compared to Kenya where Alex is?
  • Alex had the tools and knowledge from his past work to incorporate into his current farming work. How do we empower others that may not have had past work experiences as Alex did? How might we achieve this?

Thursday, March 18, 2021

A Conversation with Hunger

We often envision hunger as a problem that exists in far off countries and unknown lands, but the reality is that hunger is everywhere. A couple weeks back we highlighted a poetry contest around hunger as a part of #GLAG21.  Recently Roger Thurow authored a piece highlighting a poem by AaronR the Poet inspired by Hiram Larew's Poetry X Hunger. You are encouraged to read the linked post and watch the video included. Following we invite you to utilize the discussion points to guide your conversations with others around the globe.

Talking Back to Hunger

Discussion Points

  • What resonated with you from the blog entry or video and why?
  • What does hunger look like in your home area? What does it look like in other parts of the world? Compare and contrast the two visions you have.
  • "Having food to eat shouldn't be a privilege, but a basic life necessity." What does this line from the poem mean to you?
  • How can we combat hunger both locally and globally in a sustainable manner? Share your thoughts and reflect on others. 
We challenge you to take action!

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Agriculture Fashion

People do not always associate agriculture with the fashion industry, but the reality is they are closely linked. Most textiles and clothing are derived from agriculture. When visiting other countries often the textile and clothing curriculum and training is a part of agricultural education. Linked below is a video (4 minutes) that explains how women in the country of Kyrgyzstan are thriving due to a unique partnership. We encourage you to watch the linked video and explore the discussion points with others around the globe. 

Kyrgyz mountain women collaborate with fashion designer Stella Jean

Discussion Points

  • What stuck out to you from the imagery in the video regarding agriculture? What challenges would the countries terrain present? What benefits could it present? 
  • Do you believe this project structure provided a win for all groups and individuals involved? Explain your thoughts.
  • This video showcased a creative approach to turn a supply chain into a value chain. Where else could this be applied within agriculture locally and globally?

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Global Agricultural Commodity Markets

This week we take a look back at 2020 on the state of agricultural commodity markets around the globe. Global agriculture markets provide complex challenges and opportunities that are explored in the linked article below. We encourage you to explore the linked webpage and utilize the discussion points below to guide conversations with others around the world.

Agricultural Commodity Markets 2020

Discussion Points

  • The webpage starts off with, "We live in an interconnected world." Explain what this means in regards to agriculture and what it means to you personally. 
  • Several graphs and charts are used throughout the webpage. Which one do you find most intriguing and why?
  • Many challenges are shared. Create a list of these challenges and determine which one you would address as a top priority. Justify your response. 
  • What ideas do you have to turn these challenges into opportunities? How might you take action locally to have a global impact?