Friday, January 28, 2022

Fertilizer Prices Rise Globally

Fertilizer prices are up around the globe. The global rise in prices could set forth a chain of events impacting individuals around the globe. We invite you to review the linked Farm Policy News from the University of Illinois and reflect on the discussion points below with others. 

High Fertilizer Prices Impacting Developing Countries and Europe

Discussion Points

  • What points shared were of most concern to you and why?
  • What are the potential impacts of rising fertilizer costs around the globe? 
  • Are farmers in your local area seeing an increase in fertilizer costs? If so, how are they reacting and what are the potential repercussions?
  • You have been asked by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations to advise and make recommendations to ease the rising price of fertilizer prices globally. What would you suggest? What are things that need to be taken into consideration?

Friday, January 21, 2022

Lowering Emissions in Agriculture

We invite you to explore a recently launched tool highlighting climate change mitigation in agriculture. The website is packed with information and resources to support learning and move individuals to action. The website is part of a program from CGIAR. CGIAR is a global research partnership focused on a food secure future. Check out the newly launched website below and reflect and discuss with others utilizing the discussion points provided. 

AgLED Resource Platform 

Discussion Points

  • Take some time and explore the website. What page or resource do you find the most valuable to you in your local region? Did you find pages or tools that might be useful to other parts of the world? Share your findings with others if in a group setting. 
  • One of the tools shared is the "Climate Action Tracker." Scroll down the home page to the "Find your country" section. What is your home country's rating and how does it compare to the rest of the world? What worries you about the map? What gives you optimism?
  • As you explore the AgLED website what do you believe can be done in your local region, within agriculture, to lower emissions? Could these same actions be taken in different parts of the world or would different approaches be required?

Thursday, January 13, 2022

The Queen of Oranges

This week we learn about the Maltese orange and the country of Tunisia. The Maltese orange, also known as the "Queen of Oranges", has a unique story highlighted in the article linked below. We invite you to read the linked story and utilize the discussion points below to guide conversations with others around the globe. 

Tunisia's "Queen of Oranges"

Discussion Points

  • What makes the Maltese orange's story unique and why?
  • As Tunisia is known for the Maltese orange, is your home region known for certain famous foods or agricultural products? To what extent are the products identified exclusive to your home region?
  • The Maltese orange has great cultural impacts on Tunisia. How does food impact our cultures or how do our cultures impact our food?
  • Certain foods (or names of food) are grown/raised/produced in specific parts of the world, such as Prosciutto di Parma (ham) from Parma Italy. There have been discussions, and arguments, if specific naming rights of food products belong to certain regions of the world. Do you believe naming rights of food belong to specific regions or are they free to be grown anywhere in the world with the same label/name? Could the "Queen of Oranges" be reserved for Maltese oranges from Tunisia?

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Small Actions = Big Impact

2022 has been named the International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture. Linked below is video highlighting small scale fishers and fish farmers. We encourage you to watch the short video and reflect on the discussion points below with others around the globe. 

Small in scale, big in value

Discussion Points

  • In watching the video:
    • What did you notice? 
    • What stuck out to you?
  • The video shared the important balance between production and preserving ecosystems. How could this be done in regards to small scale fishers and fish farming? Is production and preserving ecosystems balanced in your local agriculture context? Explain your thoughts.
  • The following statement is made in the video, "Include us in decisions that affect us..."
    • Why do you think this statement was made?
    • Do you believe this is an important statement? Why or why not?