Thursday, October 3, 2019

Agriculture Change in Small Island Developing States

Natural disasters, climate change, and numerous other challenges face many small island developing states such as the Comoros, Cabo Verde, Samoa, and others. Through many programs farmers and producers in these small island developing states are looking for opportunities in agriculture to improve the livelihoods of citizens within the country. Linked below is an article that highlights initiatives in small island developing states around the globe and includes a video highlighting the fishing industry in Cabo Verde. We encourage you to read the linked article, view the short video, and utilize the discussion points below to engage in conversations with others around the globe!

Something to Crow About in the Comoros

Discussion Points

  • What are some of the major challenges facing small island developing states? 
  • What initiatives are being implemented around the globe to help farmers in small island developing states? Of all the initiatives mentioned which do you feel has the greatest potential and why?
  • What additional initiatives would you like to see implemented and why would they be beneficial?
  • After viewing the video "Our Islands, Our Oceans - Cabo Verde," what do you see as the biggest challenge facing the island and what do you see as the best potential solutions? Explain your thoughts.

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