Thursday, March 29, 2018

Acute Hunger Grows

A recent report emphasizes the rise in acute hunger around the globe and why it is so alarming. Acute hunger is defined as so severe that "it poses an immediate threat to lives and livelihoods." We encourage you to read over the linked article and utilize the discussion points provided to guide your conversations around the globe.

Acute Hunger Intensifies

Discusion Points

  • Last year globally there was an increase in acute hunger. Why did we see this increase?
  • Conflict and weather are key factors that were noted as contributing to world hunger.  Explain why these two factors contribute so greatly to hunger.
  •  How do we combat the challenges that conflict and weather bring to world hunger? How do we solve these issues in your opinion? Give specific examples.
  • Towards the end of the article key messages are shared. Of these key messages what stuck out to you the most and why?

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