Thursday, August 31, 2017

Drought and Agriculture

There are many weather events that can impact agriculture. The linked video below takes a closer look at droughts and their impacts on agriculture. We encourage you to watch the linked video and utilize the discussion points below to guide conversations in your classrooms and communities.

Drought in Agriculture

Discussion Points

  • Which fact shared in the video did you find most interesting and why?
  • Why is a proactive response to droughts in agriculture so important?
  • Explain the solutions shared in the video to combat drought?
  • What is the key to success in combating droughts in agriculture in your opinion? Explain your reasoning.


Anonymous said...

drought tolerant seeds help tolerate the droughts better for better results during the dry

Unknown said...

In my opinion There is no one thing that can be done to keep planting successful in drought situations but rather a system that employs multiple strategies such as drought tolerant seeds and water management programs. Even with such provisions it is not a guarantee that there will be a successful harvest.

Anonymous said...

The most interesting fact i found was that their has been 1 million deaths since 1900. Responding to the drought is important because if you catch the drought to late your crops will die but if u cant them early then you can find a way to get water to them. The FAO helps get seeds that can with stand drought and help them get water when they know a drought is gonna come. I think the key in combating droughts is to be ready for anything when a drought comes because if you use the technology they have that can detect when a drought is gonna happen.

Anonymous said...

The video stresses that drought in an increasing problem because of climate change. I am a believers that climate change is a real problem. We will need everyone to help reduce and/or solve this problem; it is more than an agriculture industry problem. Using good conservation practices by all farmers world wide is a must. Using mulch or crop residue really helps conserve moisture. Farmers and others generally do not like government regulations but sometimes they are needed for people to change their habits needed for long term progress. We will need to tackle this problem in a variety of ways. Biotechnology innovations, improved conservation practices, modern regulations, cooperative efforts will be needed and these things will need to happen at a faster rate if we are to be proactive rather than reactive to this growing problem.

Anonymous said...

The one fact that stood out the most to me was, 11 million deaths have been caused by droughts since 1900. This is interesting to me because droughts are a big deal.As the video said, droughts cost between 6-8 billion dollars every year. In Africa from 2005-2013, there has been 84 droughts between 30 different countries, which is a huge deal. When droughts are costing 6-8 billion dollars every year that's a big factor if you were living in one of those countries in Africa or anywhere where droughts may occur.

Anonymous said...

Proactive responses to droughts in agriculture are very important because with out moisture in the ground, most resources will not be able to grow causing huge food shortages n both humans and in animals. Along with that the farmers who run own the plants are not going to be able to produce the crops they need to sell in order for them to get their money back. This causes these people to find themselves in very tough financial situations. These are some of the reasons that people fight against droughts and find the best way to work with what they have because if its not handled properly, lots of damage could be done to lots of people.

Anonymous said...

I never knew there were so many deaths from drought and that it costs so much

Anonymous said...

1 fact right at the beginning stated that there have been 11 million deaths due to droughts since the 1900s. I find this interesting because like the 1930s dust bowl Africa seems to be going through the same thing as America did in the 30s.

A proactive response would benefit those country states in Africa because if they can manage there water correctly they will be able to keep there dirt moisturized therefore making the land fertile for more crops to be grown during a drought.

Big things being done to help Africa is giving them new technologies that will help them know when a drought will come so a early warning system to aid farmers when to plant. third parties are also supplying Africa with tolerant seeds that can resist most of what the drought has to offer.

In my opinion the best way to prevent and fight droughts is to stop or limit the burning of fossil fuels to help combat climate change, If we do that then the world will start to "heal" itself to what is use to be like where the air was clean and those countries like Africa and Saudi Arabia can have fertile soil again rather than sand.

Anonymous said...

Wow. I didn't realize how many people have died because of droughts.

Anonymous said...

well today i have learned the struggles that countries go through do to droughts

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

If we are spending 6-8 Billion dollars on something that we might be causing, something needs to change. If global warming is causing more droughts, we need to change our ways. If we reduce the amount of global warming, less people will die and we will save a lot of money

Anonymous said...

I think they should store lots of water in an area for droughts so they don't have this problem

Anonymous said...

I didnt know that droughts costed so much and how many deaths have been cause by drought

Anonymous said...

Drought is a major cause of famine because it does not allow agricultural products to prosper. We need to stop burning as many fossil fuels and help the people that are in a drought so that it doesn't turn into a famine.

Anonymous said...

What I found interesting was how integrated soil and water practices can conserve soil moisture and allow some food production to continue in droughts.

Anonymous said...

What I found most interesting about droughts is when there is no water all the farm animals die so not only do we lose water but we lose a lot of food too.

Anonymous said...

What amazed me the most about this is how around 11 Million people died due to droughts since 1900s. Africa is getting hit the hardest from the droughts, But now people are offering them technology to tell them when to prepare for droughts and when to plant seeds. People are also selling people of Africa drought resistant seeds which is also a big help. Ways to help stop constant droughts could be to help stop constant fossil fuel burning or more countries stepping in to help them during the droughts.

Anonymous said...

Drought can be one of the worst disasters every causing over 11 million death since 1900. And it will start to get worse because of climate change and not having the right equipment and prevention systems to combat drought. The solution to this is to get drought resistant crops to people in the drought zones and to use technology to help farmers manage and grow there crops. Another thing that we need to stop using fossil fuels and fight global warming because if we don't we will all get long droughts like the ones in Africa and California and all die.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I did not realize how much of a problem drought is until seeing this video. For example, I didn't know that drought has caused 11 million deaths since 1900. Drought is a problem because, without moisture in the ground, crops won't grow.

Anonymous said...

Wow. I didn't know that droughts caused so much damage and effected so many people.

Anonymous said...

I did not know that droughts affect 2 billion people. It surprises me how bad droughts affect everyone.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know that there where ways to help prevent a drought before it happened or ways to track a drought.

Anonymous said...

i didnt know droughts could cause so many deaths

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I didn't know that drought cause 11 million deaths since the 1900s

Anonymous said...

I didn't know that 80% of the losses in developing countries is caused by droughts.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that 11 million people died in since 1900's from droughts.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

i cant believe that droughts have caused so many deaths over the year because they have nothing to drink and without water they cant grow any crops

Anonymous said...

I cant believe that 11 million people died from droughts

Anonymous said...

I knew that droughts were bad but i never knew just how bad they can get.

Anonymous said...

Whatever is actually the cause of these droughts, finding ways to cope with them will be more prudent then blaming people and trying to prevent them. Sustainable agriculture methods and conservation will be key in overcoming these disasters.

Anonymous said...

Ok, let's get real fellas. Global warming isn't a thing so in order to believe that were "causing" the droughts you have to believe that global warming is real. Hence forth I believe droughts are a natural thing, and people need to realize that sooner rather than later.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know the drought was that bad also i don't think that 80% of climent change is caused by agriculture because how does that happen there are other things happening causing climent changes and not because of agriculture

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