Thursday, March 26, 2020

Organic and Conventional Agriculture

The debate between organic and conventional agriculture is looked at very differently around the globe. Linked below is a recent article discussing this very topic with some input from several researchers in Europe. We encourage you to read the linked article and utilize the discussion points provided to guide your conversations with others around the globe (virtually of course)!

Discussion Points
  • Explain what the Life Cycle Assessment is and how it is utilized?
  • What is the argument of these researchers regarding the Life Cycle Assessment and how it is currently used?
  • More than likely we all have biases that are shaped by our environment and upbringing. Could you make an argument that these researchers have a bias due to where they live and work? Do you have a bias on organic versus conventional agriculture? Explain your thoughts.
  • While in Denmark many years ago I asked an organic farmer why she produced organic products. Her response, "Because of the premium price. I do not see why there is so much controversy between organic and conventional producers. We all need to produce quality, safe food in order to feed the world. There is room for all types of producers." 
    • What is your response to this quote?
    • Is this how people view organic versus conventional in your local community? Explain.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Clam Harvest in Tunisia's Gulf of Gabes

Harvesting clams is no easy task. It is early mornings and intensive labor. The video linked below tells the story of women harvesting clams in Tunisia's Gulf of Gabes. We encourage you to watch the linked video and utilize the discussion points below to guide your conversations around the world.

Backs bent, but chins held high

Discussion Points 

  • Explain clam harvest in this region. What are challenges that are faced?
  • Identify the different Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which are addressed in this video and why they are important. Click here to view SDGs
  • What can be done to expand the successes highlighted in this video and keep moving forward?
  • Agriculture is very diverse and different around the globe. Do individuals in agriculture within your home region face the same challenges as those highlighted in the video? How are challenges similar and different in Tunisia's Gulf of Gabes and your home region?

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Refugee Farmers Excel in Costa Rica

When times are tough farmers find ways to push forward and thrive. This is the case for a group of farmers from Nicaragua who now find themselves in Costa Rica. Linked below is there story. We encourage you to read the linked article and utilize the discussion points provided to guide your conversations around the globe.

Nicaragua Refugee Farmers Carve Out Existence in Costa Rica

Discussion Points

  • What has caused these farmers to gather in Costa Rica leaving Nicaragua behind?
  • What sticks with you from this article and why?
  • It was noted that these farmers would love to return to Nicaragua. Do you feel this is possible? What will it take in order for them to return?
  • Often times farmers are known as resilient and hard working. How is that showcased in this story?