Thursday, December 13, 2018

Fish Fashion

We strive to find ways to be more efficient and utilize our resources wisely. This week we highlight a story that shares how a group in Kenya are turning an unused resource from fish production for food into a valuable resource to create more jobs and improve the environment. Check out the linked video below and utilize the discussion points to guide conversations around the globe!

Turning Fish into Fashion

Discussion Points

  • After watching the video what surprised you the most about Blue Fashion and this process?
  • Many benefits were shared in the video. What are the benefits of this process? Of these benefits which do you feel has the biggest impact and why?
  • Do you think Blue Fashion products would be accepted in your home community? Why or why not?
  • What are the possibilities? What are other ways that we can use wasted or under utilized resources like this? Brainstorm ideas. Nothing is too crazy. Who would have thought Blue Fashion the first time they heard it?

Thursday, December 6, 2018

World Soil Contamination

Our soil is such a valuable resource that often can go underappreciated. Soil contamination and pollution is a growing problem around the world and may not be from sources that you suspect. This week we share an article from the FAO highlighting this issue and provide discussion points to drive your conversations around the globe.

Increased Soil Contamination Puts Food Safety and Food Security at Risk

Discussion Points
  • Why is soil contamination and pollution such a concern worldwide?
  • What are the main causes of soil pollution and contamination?
  • What can you do personally to help prevent soil pollution and contamination?
  • What should be done bigger picture to prevent soil contamination and pollution (county, municipality, state, country, and world levels)?