Thursday, April 27, 2017

Wastewater Farming Contorversy

A new water treatment plant is coming to Mexico. Most would see this as a good thing, however some are not so happy. The water that will be treated is currently a fertilizer source for a group of farmers in Mexico. Read through the article linked below and utilize the discussion points below to guide conversations around the globe. 

Discussion Points
  • Explain the benefits of wastewater farming.
  • Explain the problems with wastewater farming.
  • What past historical event or events complicate this situation more?
  • After reading this article what would your recommendation by and why? Plant, no plant, compromise, or something else?
  • This situation is an excellent example of how something that can benefit so many can have a negative impact on others. Can you think of other examples of this? 

Thursday, April 20, 2017

From Sea to Plate

Did you know that keeping illegally captured fish off supermarket shelves is a problem around the world? This is a challenge that is facing the fishing/seafood industry and one of the heaviest traded commodities in the world. We encourage you to read the linked article and then utilize the discussion points provided below to guide conversations around the globe.

Discussion Points
  • Why is it so important to track and monitor the sale and trade of seafood products around the world?
  • Explain what is being proposed to help protect against illegal, unprotected and unreported fishing. 
  • Why is international buy-in so crucial to this initiative? 
  • Which countries have led the way by already adopting similar initiatives? How can buy-in be increased globally in your opinion?

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Pollen Spread: GM and non-GM Crops

Before we have highlighted pieces on GMO vs. non-GMO products and practices. This week we look at how the two can work together and what is needed for separation to protect against pollen spread. We encourage you to look at the linked study from a scientist in Canada and utilize the discussion points to guide conversations around the globe!

New Tool Helps Estimate GM Pollen Spread

Discussion Points

  • Why is it important to have an area of separation between GM products and non-GM products?
  • What did the study find as a suitable separation space? How does this compare to what some have suggested? (You may need to convert measurements to standard if your home country does not utilize metric.)
  • Do some additional research. In your home area what is the required separation distance when planting GM next to non-GM crops? How does this distance measure up to the suggested distance in this latest research?
  • Often things can get contentious between individuals and groups when you have growers producing GM and non-GM crops close in proximity. What suggestions would you have for both sides to ensure successful experiences for all?

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Syrian Agriculture Needs Help Now

We have all heard about the horrifying events taking place in Syria. Agriculture is, also, hurting in Syria. The linked article takes a look at a recent report put out on the struggles of agriculture in Syria and the need for action to improve it. We encourage you to read the linked article and then utilize the discussion points to spark conversations around the world! If you are looking for further information the full report and a video summary can be found at the right side of the linked article.

Syrian Farmers Call to Kick-Start Agriculture Now

Discussion Points

  • Why is it so important to give attention to agriculture in Syria sooner, rather than later?
  • Under the heading "Other main findings are:" in the article there are five findings listed. Of these five which stands out to you the most and why?
  • How has agriculture been impacted in Syria and to what extent?
  • What do you believe are the first steps to improving agriculture in Syria and why?